5 Must-Dos before the First Day of Preschool
Aug 01, 2022As early educators prepare for the new school year, we decided to share a few classroom tips!
- Make nameplates for each child’s cubby/mailbox.
- Prepare new classroom signs, labels, and charts.
- Create a pictorial Daily Activity Schedule to display the flow of routines.
- Prepare theme boxes to support monthly planning and learning experiences. You can easily toss in items throughout the year related to curricular themes and studies.
- Create a pictorial Classroom Rules chart. The standard amount of rules is no more than one rule per the children’s age group (Example: Three rules for 3 year-olds). On your rules chart, remember to tell children what TO do vs. what NOT to do. (Examples: Be kind. Play safely. Keep our classroom clean.)
Every month, we share ideas to support your efforts via the “Honey-Do List” in our Monthly Lesson Plans!
Honey is our mascot!
Remember to peruse Honey’s list each month to update your learning environment, assessments, and evaluation; engage families and community associates; communicate with parents; and, facilitate an inclusive classroom, based on our recommendations!
We love to spread our WINGS! Children need WINGS!